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Core Exhibits

The Museum has core exhibits that are centered around Manatee County agricultural commodities. Within these exhibits new artifacts and exhibits are frequently rotated so there is always something new to see!

Manatee County Agricultural Hall of Fame 

This room features the Manatee County Hall of Fame which honors local agriculturalists who have made a great impact on the community. Two or Three individuals are inducted each year during Farm City Week through the Bradenton Kiwanis Club & the Manatee County Extension Office. In addition, this room also contains our Archive Center where information can be found about some of the local families, farms, and agricultural businesses.


Citrus Room exhibits featuring the Tropicana Suit in the center of the picture, a citrus picking bag to the right. On the left a panel about Atwood Grove and juicing tools on the table.

The Citrus Room showcases citrus tools and ephemera from local groves and businesses. The showcase artifact is the Tropicana Suit, worn by Charles Johnson when he was Tropicana’s PR representative in the 1960s and 1970s.


Trick Saddle donated by Faye Blackstone is visible in front of a white washed wood wall. A picture of men and horses is above the saddle.

The Livestock Room showcases Manatee County’s rich cattle industry. Current and historical brands can be found burned into the floor. Tools used to work cattle & other livestock a variety of other other exhibits rotate through this room.

Farm Shop & Garage 

1925 Model T Ford Pick Up Truck in the Farm Shop and Garage.

Vegetables & Fruits 

The Impact of Agriculture on the Economy of Manatee County exhibit, John Deere Plow in the forefront, and a seeder behind the blow. A general store scale can be seen on the counter in the back of the picture.

Learn how agriculture affects Manatee County’s economy with the Ag & Economy board, children can guess which tools are useful to farmers, and learn about a variety of vegetables and fruits that were grown and are still being grown in Manatee County such as celery, tomatoes, and more.


Prototype Kee Lawnmower on the left and manufactured Kee Mower on the right. Located in the Horticulture Room.

Gardening practices over the years have changed. Discover how gladioli were once a cash crop and see some of the tools & equipment used by local nurserymen through the years.


Interior of the Barn Room. Seeders can be seen in the middle of the room. Galloway Engine is visible on the far right hand side. In the middle of the back a Silo Filler is visible on the far left is a Fanning Mill.

The Barn contains many larger pieces of agricultural equipment such as engines, a silo filler, seeders, fanning mill, and more.

Step back in time to a typical farm shop and garage. An authentic tool bench lines the wall with many tools that could still be useful today. In addition, see the restored 1925 Model T Ford pickup that would have been the mode of transportation for a truck farmer in the late 1920s and 1930s.

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